Sunday, October 26, 2014

MessiahMews Blogs: The CANCER ACT of 1939

MessiahMews Blogs: The CANCER ACT of 1939: Has anybody heard of “The Cancer Act” that was introduced in 1939? It appears that not many people know anything about it, yet many thous...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

They Said Fluoride Does Not Damage Water Pipes

Fluorine is known as one of the most dangerous and corrosive substances. Chemists have difficulty in getting any metal to contain it without destruction. Sodium fluoride is a fluorine compound and also is corrosive and poisonous. It ranks along with cyanide and arsenic in toxicity. Many fluoridated cities have had frequent breakdowns in their water systems. Three large water pumps were almost destroyed by fluoride corrosion in North Hampton, Massachusetts. In Newburgh, people reported that their water heaters squirted water like "rotten rubber hoses." Concord, New Hampshire had to pay over $200,000 to replace their fluoride-damaged city water system. Other cities, including San Francisco, reported similar difficulties.

If fluoride will do that to the hardest steel fixtures and pipes, what will it do to the delicate internal organs and soft tissues? No wonder there are so many diseases traced to fluoride poisoning. Fluoride is not eliminated like waste food, it accumulates in the body and causes deterioration.

Dr. Charles Dillon, researcher on fluoride wrote in THE CHEMISTRY OF FLUORIDES, "In severe and crippling fluorosis no toxic effects at all may be observed. . . . before the crippling effects become obvious."

Dr. C.A. Brusch, director of Brusch Medical Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts states: "Fluorides are protoplasmic poisons and have never been medically approved."

Dr. C.I. Betts of Toledo, Ohio investigated fluoridation for ten years and found that Bright’s disease (fatal kidney disease) increased 50% in fluoridated areas. There was also a 50% increase in brain damage and much mongoloidism. Diabetes more than doubled where fluoridated water was used regularly.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014