Monday, November 28, 2011

Amino Acids - Protein

Protein is made out of nitrogen-containing molecules called amino acids. They are the basic building material for all living cells. Every cell in our body needs protein to stay alive. Proteins are necessary for tissue repair and constructing new tissues to replace dead cells.

Your muscles, hair, nails, skin and eyes are made of proteins. So are the cells that make up all the organs in your body system - nerves, lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, brain and your sex glands.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When you consume protein, it is broken down into various amino acids and transported throughout your body through your blood. Your cells then pick and choose the amino acids that they need to construct new body tissues, blood cells, enzymes, hormones, etc.

There are 25 different amino acids that piece together to make various proteins for different use, like letters of the alphabet, each serving its own purpose. Of these, 8 are essential amino acids that are like the vowels. Just as you cannot form words without the vowels, you cannot build complete proteins without these essential amino acids.

Understanding Harmful Fats

Vegetable Oils

Polyunsaturated oils, which include vegetable oils like corn, soy, linola and canola are beneficial on their own. However, by making them into cooking oils, they are heavily refined and processed, rendering them rancid and toxic. For a long time now, these cooking oils have been mistakenly regarded as the "healthier" choice, but experts have now pointed out that this is a fatal mistake.

After refining and processing, these beneficial oils become oxidized as they get exposed to heat from the processing, resulting in the formation of trans-fat and damaging free radicals (this is a process called hydrogenation).

The truth is, coconut oil which have been regarded as unhealthy is the better choice for cooking. Unlike most unsaturated oils, coconut oil does not turn toxic when cooked.

Other alternatives are virgin (or extra virgin) olive oil for light cooking or sauteing, or grapeseed oil for high heat cooking.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nutrition thieves

Milk and dairy products: robs zinc and calcium

Trans-fat and saturated fats: interferes with enzymes activities

Sugar: increases copper deficiency and leaches magnesium which are excreted in the urine

Sodium: constantly depletes magnesium and potassium from the body

Phosphates: is an essential mineral but large amounts from processed foods cause the digestive tract to be sluggish, thus preventing absorption of vitamins and minerals

Pesticides: interferes with the body's ability to use vitamin B6

Free radicals: deteriorates the body's immune and defense system

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Don's Homemade Vegetarian Bisquits

Me and the boys LOVE these bisquits and here is a recipe we found in a old 1960s outdoor cooking book, modified to vegetarian stds. They come out fluffy, light, and are delicious. Use organic ingredients whenever possible; the food really pops, tastes great, and you don't get pesticides or animal growth hormones. This is a very cheap way to feed four people or less and is a great morning food for hungry children. Ready made bisquit dough is quite expensive in the US - often 3 to 5 dollars for less than a dozen bisquits. Homemade costs about 75 cents per dozen and has no additives, poisons, fluorine, or other harmful ingredients so common to items sold in stores today. When you look at the ingredients list on store bought bisquits, it's a mile long of very often toxic elements that have zero business being in our food chain.

Try and find cage-free, vegetarian feed brown eggs. The taste difference is amazing, and so is its energetic levels. Franken eggs have a chemical aftertaste, and these days, don't even taste like eggs any more. The shell walls are very thin and have defects. Hens that are fed properly, like before bio-engineering, and can hunt and peck, have strong egg shells, taste great, and do not leave a chemical aftertaste in your mouth. You are what you eat. Remember that.

Your sugar should be pesticide free organic cane sugar. Your body absorbs it in under 20 minutes. HFCS takes 3 to 4 hours to absorb and gives your body a franken sugar molecule it cannot process, causing diabetes. HFCS is evil and should be banned from the world food supply.


2 cups of sifted flour
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt, fine
2 teaspoons of baking powder (make sure this is organic because non-organic has aluminum in it and that stuff will turn your brain into mush. Think alzheimer's disease)
2 tablespoons of cane sugar, fine grain
1/4 cup of light cold pressed olive oil
1/2 cup of distilled water or low fat raw milk
1 organic, range free, vegan egg

making the makings:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Take all the dry ingredients and combine them well in a big bowl and mix them thoroughly with a wisker. In a measuring cup of the olive oil, gently beat in one egg until mixed - add this to the dry ingredients, slowly and gently mixing until you get little balls of sticky but floury mix. Then, slowly add the water (mixed with a little cream or half and half to thicken it) or low fat milk until you get a very sticky mess. Refrain from kneeding on a board. You want a very gooey, sticky mess.

On a cookie pan covered with foil, scoop out lemon sized dollops of mixture onto the pan. You should get about a dozen dollops. Place in oven. Bake for 15 minutes.

Mmmmm.... Low cal and fluffy.

You can open them up and add jam or whatever and make a small sandwich.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shock finding: More than 75 percent of all 'honey' sold in grocery stores contains no honey at all

More than three-fourths of the honey sold in U.S. grocery stores isn't exactly what the bees produce, according to testing done exclusively for Food Safety News.

The results show that the pollen frequently has been filtered out of products labeled "honey."

The removal of these microscopic particles from deep within a flower would make the nectar flunk the quality standards set by most of the world's food safety agencies.

The food safety divisions of the World Health Organization, the European Commission and dozens of others also have ruled that without pollen there is no way to determine whether the honey came from legitimate and safe sources.