While some practicing doctors may be honorable people who seek to help others, their schools, organizations, and governmental agencies are all controlled by the pharmaceutical companies which have less noble intentions. It is best for them if diseases are treated, but never cured. The trend is unmistakable. How many decades has it been since an honest effort was made at developing a cure for any disease? Was it polio? How long ago was that?
Alternative medicine continues to eliminate supposedly 'incurable' illnesses on a regular basis. Where would the extremely influential pharmaceutical industry be if their biggest profit illness, namely cancer, were curable quickly, cheaply, and easily? They would use their influence in government and with media corporations to make certain that alternative medicine was either discredited, or simply given no mention in the main media networks.
It is exactly what has happened. In the United States, nothing can be cited or advertised as being medically useful by a company regardless of how safe, effective, or natural its product is without getting approval from the F.D.A.. Ultimately, this means that approval is needed from the A.M.A. and the pharmaceutical cartel that the F.D.A. partners with. Since safe, effective, and natural cures cannot be patented by these groups for maximum capitalization, the natural and cheap remedies are never given approval. Without approval, cures can neither be marketed nor labeled for what they really do. Producers may be imprisoned for making 'unapproved medical claims' if they even talk about what they sell, and it has happened plenty of times already. It is how they have traditionally destroyed competing alternatives, but the Internet is changing the rules.
F.D.A.: Silence The Cherry Growers! Send The U.S. Marshals!
In the United States, the F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration) is charged with the job of approving drugs and ensuring food safety, and correct labeling. In 2005, certain growers of cherries boasted of cherry's health benefits on their websites, and this required the F.D.A.'s immediate intervention. As reported by Mike Adams (NaturalNews.com), "The FDA, for example, is deep into the business of censorship, believing that the public must be protected from too much knowledge. For example, the agency recently sent threatening legal letters to 29 cherry growers who were posting scientific studies describing the health benefits of the many phytochemicals found in cherries (cherries work better than anti-inflammatory drugs at easing arthritis pain, rendering COX-2 drugs utterly obsolete, if you didn't already know). The FDA warned the cherry growers that if they continued to post scientific studies about cherries, then the agency would consider cherries to be unapproved drugs and ban their sale in the United States, while arguing that cherries have never been proven 'safe and effective'."
October 17, 2005 WARNING LETTER VIA CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Jim Seaquist, President Seaquist Orchards 11482 Hwy 42 PO Box 204 Sister Bay, WI 54234 Ref. No. MIN0604 Dear Mr. Seaquist: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed the labeling of your cherry products on your website at www.seaquistorchards.com. This review shows serious violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) in the labeling of these products. You can find the Act and implementing regulations through links on FDA's Internet home page at www.fda.gov. Under the Act, articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in man are drugs [Section 201(g)(1)(B) of the Act 21 United States Code (21 USC 321(g)(1)(B)]. The labeling for your cherry containing products bears the following claims:
The above violations are not meant to be an allinclusive list of deficiencies in your products and their labeling. It is your responsibility to ensure that products marketed by your firm comply with the Act and its implementing regulations. Failure to promptly correct these violations may result in enforcement action without further notice. Enforcement action may include seizure of violative products, injunction against the manufacturers and distributors of violative products, and criminal sanctions against persons responsible for causing violations of the Act. Please advise this office in writing, within 15 working days of receipt of this letter, of the specific steps you have taken or will be taking to correct these violations, including the steps taken to assure that similar violations do not recur. Your reply should be directed to Compliance Officer Tyra S. Wisecup at the address in the letterhead. Ms. Wisecup may be reached at (612) 758-7114. Sincerely, W. Charles Becoat District Director |

The cherry farmer's had been informing people via the Internet that multiple studies had proven that cherries work better than pharmaceuticals for certain conditions, and in particular, arthritis pain. Publicly speaking about this threat to the F.D.A.'s pharmaceutical empire was their only crime, as admitted by the FDA in its own paper trail.
It is noteworthy that the FDA promised that without the farmer's "compliance" it would begin enforcement action without further notice. Make no mistake about what they meant by "enforcement", for their history makes it painfully clear. They would have convened upon those farms at an intentionally inconvenient time with an army of U.S. Marshals who would have held the farmers at gunpoint as their cherry crops were stolen ("confiscated" for being "unapproved drugs" ). The farmers knew the real threat was that they would be wiped out, and it was a legitimate concern.
Concentrated cherry supplements do actually work better than the most expensive medicines for arthritis pain, and members of the FDA determined that this was too much of a financial threat to the pharmaceutical companies to allow the public to know. We can be fairly certain which group of corporate partners tipped them off about the dangers of cherries used medically.
The Scam of Heartburn and Indigestion
What you are about to read may seem laughable upon initial reading, because of the degree of propaganda from the mainstream medical industry. Nevertheless, you will find the statements to be true if you are willing to try the experiment that we suggest. Almost everything you have been told about heartburn, indigestion, and common stomach ailments is a lie.
Indigestion is not caused by excess acid in the stomach, nor is acid reflux. In fact, the worst treatment for either is taking any type of antacid whether prescribed, or not. Being acidic is the natural, healthy state of the stomach, so there is no su

Attempting to neutralize stomach acid to treat an uneasy stomach is as effective as treating an excess of blood cells with leaches in the long term. Both cases would be demonstrations of using poor medicine to treat only the symptoms of relatively non-existent medical conditions, which the establishment either cannot accurately diagnose, or finds it too unprofitable to do so. Remember as cited above, the stomach's natural state is acidic. In fact, the stomach contains one of the most powerful acids in existence: hydrochloric acid. This highly destructive acid is the core fuel of the stomach, and in concentrated form, it will tear through titanium like a hot knife cutting butter.
The truth about most stomach disorders is one of not having enough acid, so the industry has made fools out of most of us. The true reason behind acid reflux and indigestion is that when the stomach is lacking enough acid, it must churn violently to make the best use of the limited acid during these times of deficiency, which in-turn causes pressure and back flows of the existing acid. Antacids seem to work because they render the acid being spewed by the churning stomach into the esophagus as less potent, and therefore less painful. In the rare cases when acid is actually being over-produced by the stomach, it is usually the body attempting to over-compensate for antacids having been routinely administered. So the effects of taking antacids snowballs, preventing proper digestion, temporarily eliminating the symptoms only, and eventually causing the very excess acid problems which the treatments had originally been meant to stop. Moreover, to recreate stomach acid which has been neutralized, the body must carry out a set of chemical reactions which cause the rest of the body to become more acidic. That's a very bad thing.
The next time that you experience indigestion problems, try the experiment of giving your stomach the acid that it needs. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and follow with a glass of water. Your stomach churning and pain will subside within minutes (unless the problem is ulcers). The result is likely to amaze you, especially if you have been suckered for years by antacid advertisers, as we once were. Of course, no pharmaceutical company will make billions from this, and none of them will ever be able to become the gate keeper of this remedy by getting a patent to monopolize apple cider vinegar. Likewise, regulatory agencies will not be able to get funding from this either, so do not expect to read about this in the medical journals, or hear it reported in the regular media. Instead, you will see what is good for business: antacids, and about what a miracle they are.
How Antacids Destory Health (How They're Good For Business)
Donna Gates (bodyecology.com) accurately reported that, "There are two main consequences of low stomach acid: 1. You become protein malnourished. When your stomach acid is low, you are not able to digest protein. Improper digestion of protein creates toxins in your intestines that can set the stage for illness and disease. Improper digestion of protein also creates acidic blood, since protein is by nature acidic. 2. You become mineral deficient. As your blood becomes more acidic, it will look for minerals from anywhere in your body, in order to get your blood to its more ideal alkaline state. Acidic blood robs your body of minerals, even taking minerals from your bones (which is important to know if you want to prevent osteoporosis).
"Low stomach acid eventually creates a vicious cycle: low stomach acid = low minerals = acidic blood. This cycle continues because acidic blood further creates low minerals and low stomach acid. Once this vicious cycle has started, there is a cascade of consequences: You could eat plenty of protein and still be protein malnourished. This raises cortisol levels [stress hormones], thereby raising your blood glucose (blood sugar levels). Elevated cortisol adversely affects your behavior and temperment. Eventually, your adrenals become depleted (adrenal fatigue) and DHEA, the youth hormone, is suppressed, leading to premature aging. Low DHEA and high cortisol affect your brain and behavior, but that's not all. The vicious cycle of low stomach acid affects your inner ecosystem too. Low stomach acid can lead to more bad guys (pathogenic bacteria, candida and viruses) than good guys (healthy microflora), thus lowering your immunity.
"Here are some of the common symptoms and disorders caused by low stomach acid: bloating, belching, and flatulence immediately after meals, heartburn (often thought to be caused by too much stomach acid), indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation, undigested food in stools, acne, rectal itching, chronic candida, hair loss in women, multiple food allergies, iron deficiency, weak, peeling, or cracked fingernails, chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, dry skin, various 'autoimmune'..diseases."
The Biggest Health Secret: The Link Between Body pH and Diseases (including cancer)
The origin of the word 'disease' is dis-ease: to be not at ease and harmony internally. Most medical practitioners have forgotten this, at the constant urging of the chemical industry, and merely participate in what is basically chemical warfare against the symptoms of bodies at dis-ease.
Times have changed much over the eons to place our health at dis-ease. Nowadays our diet hardly mimics the flora of Eden. Even when we try to eat well, our foods are saturated with insecticides, growth hormones, raised in deficient soils, have so-called 'flavor enhancer' chemicals, and are genetically modified -- sometimes without any warning labels. Laws have even been rewritten to redefine what can be presented as 'all natural' in our foods, so now the marketing term 'natural' is routinely used to mask chemically engineered ingredients that are far from what the rest of us would call 'natural'.
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The goal of the involved powers-that-be is to engineer cheap, mass-producible foods, that are highly addictive; and keep us ignorant of it. These foods line the aisles of typical grocery stores. Even colorings have been altered from being natural, and in some cases, they are petroleum based. Read about red #40 if you want to have nightmares about what you are putting into your body.
In the tap water, we have chlorine and fluoride in addition to hundreds of other toxins. Some of these are poisonous heavy metals which accumulate over years, since they cannot be naturally flushed by the body. Even when not consumed orally, these still enter our bodies through absorption into our skin, and into our lungs through the water mist of showers -- both direct paths into the blood. We are not told about this, just as information about cherries is actively censored. Likewise, we are never told what governments and industry knew about fluoride 60 years ago, or why the NAZI's used fluoride against their conquered peoples.
The end result of our accumulated toxicity and everything mentioned above is that our body chemistry has been altered to become acidic. The relationship between an acidic body and illness has long been established, and the medical term for this condition is acidosis. Acidosis ironically leads to an acid deficiency in the only organ requiring acid: the stomach. The toxicity of the majority of foods in a typical diet causes the body to be

The opposite of being acidic is being alkaline. Chemicals (and blood) which are alkaline readily absorb huge amounts of oxygen. Most infections and cancers cannot survive in an oxygen-rich, alkaline environment. For instance, oxygenated water (a.k.a. hydrogen peroxide) is a most effective infection killer because harmful microorganisms cannot survive in contact with high levels of oxygen.
Our typically acidic bodies cannot retain enough oxygen to function properly or to fight infections. When a body reaches a pH level of 7.4 (alkaline instead of acidic), cancers become dormant, and at 8.5, all cancers die rapidly, along with every type of invader.
Keiichi Morishita wrote about body pH in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer:
"Drugs, medications and toxic chemicals have the effect of lowering the pH of the body, that is the reason why there are side effects to drugs and none of them effect a cure. When body pH drops below 6.4, enzymes are deactivated, digestion does not work properly, vitamins, minerals and food supplements cannot effectively assimilate. Acid decreases energy production in the cells, the ability to repair damaged cells, the ability to detoxify heavy metals, and makes the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness. Your body pH affects everything. Research has proven that disease cannot survive in an alkaline state, and that, viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus, candida and cancer cells thrive in an acidic, low oxygen, low pH environment. An acidic pH can result from an acid forming diet, emotional stress, toxic overload, and immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acid by utilizing alkaline mineral reserves, like sodium from the stomach, and calcium from the bones. This is a primary cause of osteoporosis and a number of other diseases. If there are not enough minerals in the diet to compensate, acid build-up in the cells will occur, resulting in symptoms like pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, MS, and lupus. Cancer is not compatible in a healthy pH environment full of oxygen. For example, cancer of the heart doesn't exist. This is because blood flowing from the lungs into the heart are at the highest pH and oxygen levels within the entire body. As the blood travels through the lungs, acidic toxins are thrown out of the system leaving it rich with oxygen and a high blood pH. In the absence of oxygen, glucose undergoes fermentation to lactic acid. This causes the pH of the cell to drop even lower. Urine and saliva pH of terminal cancer patients almost always runs between 4.0 and 5.5. When the cancer goes into metastases the pH drops even lower. ...In 1964, only 1 person in 214 contracted cancer. Today it is 1 in 3 females and 1 in 2 males. The determining factor between health and disease is pH. It is not uncommon for the average American to test between 4 pH and 5 pH."
-- Keiichi Morishita

Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer cells are not fueled by oxygen as normal cells are. In fact, the high levels of oxygen that are found in healthy, alkaline bodies are toxic to cancers. He found that cancers get their energy from sugars and a process of fermentation in acidic environments. He proved empirically the relationships between cancers, acidic body pH, and oxygen starvation. His findings demonstrated that cancers are merely a symptom of the disease of acidosis, and therefore it is impossible to truly cure any cancer without first curing the underlying acidosis.
The toxic effects of so-called conventional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation, actually increase a body's acidity, making it almost certain that cancer symptoms will return elsewhere, even if the initial tumors are destroyed. These treatments actually stimulate the acidic conditions that originally caused the cancers, as they damage the same immune system that is needed to fight cancer cells, and the treatments randomly damage the organs throughout a body. In fact, it is well known that cancers tend to spread rapidly after 'conventional treatments'. Doctors will even admit it! So we have to ask, why are orthodox doctors using therapies that they already know will generally make the condition worse instead of better in the long term? Perhaps it has something to do with deciding between a therapy that costs $300,000.00 and 67¢; and picking out the new yacht for this summer at the lake house.
Medical Quotations | |
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"But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily."
-- Dr. Otto Warburg,
Medical Nobel Prize winner
"Everyone should know that the war on cancer largely a fraud."
-- Dr. Linus Pauling, two time
winner of the Nobel Prize
"To the cancer establishment, a cancer patient is a profit center. The actual clinical and scientific evidence does not support the claims of the cancer industry. Conventional cancer treatments are in place as the law of the land because they pay, not heal, the best. Decades of the politics-of-cancer-as-usual have kept you from knowing this, and will continue to do so unless you wake up to their reality."
-- John Diamond, M.D. & Lee Cowden, M.D.
"Chemotherapy is an incredibly lucrative business for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies. The medical establishment wants everyone to follow the same exact protocol. They don't want to see the chemotherapy industry go under, and that's the number one obstacle to any progress in oncology."
-- Dr. Glen Warner, M.D.
"You wouldn't believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldn't believe this, or directors of the AMA, or ACA, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes."
-- Hans Nieper, M.D.,
alternative medicine practitioner
"When Dr. Hamer was arrested in 1997 for having given three people medical advice without a medical license, the police confiscated his patients' files and had them analyzed. Subsequently, one public prosecutor was forced to admit during the trial that, after five years, 6,000 out of 6,500 patients with mostly 'terminal cancer' were still alive. With conventional treatment the figures are generally just the reverse."
-- Dr. Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.
"As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good."
-- Alan Nixon, Ph.D., Past President,
American Chemical Society
"Two to 4% of cancers respond to chemotherapy."
-- Ralph Moss, Ph.D
"The FDA protects the big drug companies, and is subsequently rewarded, and using the government's police powers, they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing, and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day."
-- Dr. Herbert Ley, former
Commissioner of the F.D.A.
"In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster, than any other chemical."
-- Dean Burke, Former Chief Chemist
Emeritus, U.S. National Cancer Institute
"Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade. Yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors. Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it."
-- Alan Levin, M.D.
"When a patient is found to have a tumor, the only thing the doctor discusses with that patient is what he intends to do about the tumor. If a patient with a tumor is receiving radiation or chemotherapy, the only question that is asked is, 'How is the tumor doing'? No one ever asks how the patient is doing. In my medical training, I remember well seeing patients who were getting radiation and/or chemotherapy. The tumor would get smaller and smaller, but the patient would be getting sicker and sicker. At autopsy we would hear, 'Isn't that marvelous! The tumor is gone!' Yes, it was, but so was the patient. How many millions of times are we going to have to repeat these scenarios before we realize that we are treating the wrong thing?"
-- Dr. Philip Binzel
Cancer Is Normal -- Acidosis Is Not
Every person who takes breath on this Earth has cancer. Cancer cells are a normal part of existence. A healthy body with a healthy immune system will eliminate these cancer cells at roughly the same rate that they are spawned. Your body eliminates thousands, and perhaps millions of cancer cells every day, to insure that your body is clean of these mutated cells. It is exactly the way things are supposed to work. As tissues and cells die, such as those of killed cancer cells, the decaying tissues ferment to make the body somewhat more acidic and toxic. With the very active participation of the liver and kidneys, the body's regulatory and

If a body is made too acidic by diet, toxins, or a suppressed immune system, then things no longer work as they are supposed to. Excessive acidity impairs the immune system which is the core of life itself. When the immune system is compromised, the body loses its ability to alkalize itself, and then the body loses its ability to absorb oxygen effectively. When the body is in its healthy alkaline state it absorbs and retains oxygen at a rate of roughly 1,000 times faster than in an acidic state.
With the low amounts of oxygen that are seen with extreme acidosis, cells must use fermentation for energy, and this transforms healthy cells into cancer cells. The fermentation and cancer response is actually a survival response for the cells. Whenever there is oxygen depletion, there may be an excess of cancer cells that may form into tumors. This 'cancer' is no disease in itself, but merely a troubling symptom that the body's immune system can no longer regulate itself because external forces have overwhelmed it. These things can be vitamin and mineral depletion, illnesses, extreme stress, chemical carcinogens, unhealthy (chemically altered) fats and oils, and a lack of omega-3 oils. Diet usually plays a huge role in making a person acidic, and therefore oxygen depleted; especially the synthesized products ironically marketed as 'healthy alternatives' to natural fats and oils.
"After one recent survey, two pathologists reported that after carrying out 400 postmortem examinations, they had found that in more than half the patients the wrong diagnosis had been made. This presumably also means that in more than half the patients the wrong treatment had been given. And since so many modern treatments are undeniably powerful, it also presumably means that a large proportion of those patients died because of their treatment. The two pathologists reported that potentially treatable disease was missed in one in seven patients. They found that 65 out of 134 cases of pneumonia had gone unrecognized, while out of 51 patients who had suffered heart attacks, doctors had failed to diagnose the problem in 18 cases."
-- Dr. Vernon Coleman
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It is a known and obvious fact that acidosis is a by-product of an over-taxed immune system, for it is known that in sickness, the body is always acidic. The orthodox establishment considers acidosis to be a symptom of whatever disease happens to be present, in much the same way that it considers tumors to be a symptom of cancer.
The utter lack of 'conventional' success in curing cancers may be due in part to a fundamental misunderstanding of these relationships. Cancer is one of the many symptoms of acidosis: albeit one of the worst. Therefore, tumors are not really a symptom of cancers, but of acidosis. Cancer cells are normal in even healthy bodies, after all. To the orthodox schools, the tumors are treated like they are the disease. This tumor disease is believed to be caused by a mysterious force called 'cancer'. It does not require 12 years of intensive college study to immediately see the glaring flaws in the establishment's logic. One only needs to holistically look at the big picture to see it. Given that acidosis is known to appear at the onset of most serious diseases, including cancers, and all general infections, it is apparent that acidosis is not merely a coincidental symptom of hundreds of unrelated diseases. It is a core cause of disease.
Cancers have been cured countless times with alternative therapies designed to adjust patients' pH (and thereby oxygen intake). People have been literally saved with common baking soda and food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Of course, these are not the only methods available, and really there are much better solutions in most cases; but nonetheless, virtually all alternative therapies are more reliable, safer, quicker, and cheaper than 'standard treatments'. Remember that orthodox cancer doctors are boasting about a 4% success rate for their best treatments, and 'survival' has been redefined to mean just 5 years of life after diagnosis -- to cook their own statistics. Still, the success rate remains 4%, even with those cooked numbers, and I know that I would do very little bragging if 96% of my patients died in less than 5 years. The orthodox cancer industry is, in fact, nothing short of a system of genocide that operates as fraudulent medicine.
Curing (Not 'Treating') Cancer
The goal of Naturally Good Magazine is not to treat or diagnose diseases, which would be a daunting task for any magazine. We are instead striving to help readers to help themselves. The following points contain topics we strongly encourage readers to research, or are provided as advice.
- Watch The Cancer Report - A must see!.
- Alkalizing diets
- pH Food Chart
- The Budwig Diet (follow this religiously)
- Research about adding small amounts of bicarbonates to the diet
- Read God's Nutrition: From The Big Guy Himself
- Use sea salt
- Use topically-applied iodine daily, and oral hydrogen peroxide therapy (oxygen therapy)
- Avoid tap water, and drink alkaline, or mineral, or spring water
- Avoid fluoride products, like fluoride toothpastes
- Avoid genetically modified foods by reading PLU numbers.
- Avoid toxins, but hold-off on undergoing a detox program while weak
- Get sunlight everyday, the best source of the anti-cancer vitamin D
- Read this case history article, Real Medicine - A Case Study Of How Medicine Was Practiced Before The Dark Age Of The F.D.A. and The Rockefellers (Before the 1930's)
- For the worse cases, get Vitamin B-17 if at all possible
- For the worse cases, see a naturopathic doctor about I.V. hydrogen peroxide
- Read The Mail Bag #2: The Elusive Vitamin B17, Fighting Cancer, and Clean Water
- Research into the countless herbs that fight cancer and increase oxygen intake
- Avoid Soy and Canola oil
- Quick Tip: Using Lemon and Pineapple Juice to Quickly Shift Body pH in Your Favor
- Research into candida for sugar elimination and for significant immune system strengthening
- Seek a naturopathic doctor, not an A.M.A.-licensed general practitioner or oncologist
- While it is possible to do-it-yourself, we can never make promises about particular cases.
You may notice from the list above that everything listed is safe and natural. It is the pattern that you will find with alternative medicine, because it is designed to work with your body, instead of against nature. The last thing an alternative practitioner would do is suppress your immune system, because you need it for your very survival, but this is the first thing done by orthodox doctors.We instead hope that we have opened your mind enough for you to do your own research, and for you to be willing to question those who claim authority. It is your life, and your life may depend on your willingness to do that.