Our Spiritual World: These latter times...: For times and seasons These latter times... by Don Bradley 1 Timothy 4:1-3 1But The Spirit speaks plainly that in the last ti...
Four years after learning their longtime spokesman was a giant pedophile, Subway has suffered yet another embarrassment after a Canadian court threw out a $210 million lawsuitagainst journalists who tested the company's meat, only to discover that Subway chicken contains as little as 42.8% actual chicken. The rest is wood pulp and soy.
That cock smoker look
In February 2017, the Canadian Broadcasting Company's MarketplaceDNA tested six different pieces of chickenfrom five fast food restaurants - finding that poultry from A&W, McDonald's, Tim Hortons, and Wendy's contained between 88.5% and 89.4% chicken DNA. Subway?
53.6% for their oven roasted chicken contained actual chicken, and 42.8% of their chicken strips. According to the CBC, the rest of it was soy protein, according to VICE.
And soy is an estrogen mimicker, which means for men, it makes them more womanly and for woman, turns them into menopausal angry dykes. Needless to say, Subway was a little upset - filing a $210 lawsuit against the CBC, claiming the study was "recklessly and maliciously" published and that the DNA test "lacked scientific rigor."
The company claims lost customers, lost reputation, and that they had
lost a "significant" amount of sales according to the report.
"The accusations made by CBC Marketplace about the content of our
chicken are absolutely false and misleading," the company said after the
report was published. Nearly three years later, the suit has been tossed.
But at the end of November, the The Ontario Superior Court
threw Subway's lawsuit out, ruling that the CBC's program was an example
of investigative journalism, and was protected under an anti-SLAPP
("Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation") statute
that "encourages individuals to express themselves on matters of public
interest," without the fear that they'll be sued if they speak out.
(John Oliver covered SLAPP lawsuits and how they're used to stifle
public expression on a recent episode of Last Week Tonight.) -VICE
"The Marketplace report dealt with the ingredients of sandwiches sold
by popular fast food chains. It relayed the results of DNA tests
performed by the Trent laboratory, which indicated that two types of
Subway chicken products contained significantly less chicken DNA than
other products tested," wrote Justice E.M. Morgan in his ruling.
"Furthermore, the Marketplace report raised a quintessential consumer
protection issue. There are few things in society of more acute
interest to the public than what they eat. To the extent that Subway's
products are consumed by a sizable portion of the public, the public
interest in their composition is not difficult to discern and is
established on the evidence."
VICE notes, however, that Justice Morgan did note that Subway's claims had substantial merit because their own testing revealed just 1% soy filler, not the 40% claimed by the CBC.
The CBC stands by their results, and hired their own expert to vouch for the lab's testing. Subway told VICE in a comment after publication:
Statement from Subway Restaurants: “The
case has not been dismissed in its entirety, and this decision does not
validate the tests performed by Trent University. In fact, the judge’s
opinion states: ‘The record submitted by Subway contains a substantial
amount of evidence indicating that the Trent laboratory tests were of
limited or no value in determining the chicken content of Subway’s
products,’ and ‘…there is considerable evidence that suggests the false
and harmful nature of the information conveyed to the public in the
Marketplace report.’
The CBC Marketplace story at
issue is wholly inaccurate and built on flawed research, which caused
significant harm to our network of Franchise Owners. In 2017, two
independent laboratories in Canada and the U.S. found our chicken to be
100 percent chicken breast with added seasoning, verified that the soy
content was only in the range of 1 percent, and contested the testing
The quality and integrity of our food is the foundation of our business, and we will continue to vigorously defend Subway
® Franchise Owners against false allegations such as those made by
CBC’s Marketplace program. We are reviewing the recent decision by the
Ontario court and are confident in the ability to continue our claims
against Trent University while an appeal against the CBC is under
source zero-hedge
More facts from the subway poison past
Did they ever take the plastic **** out of the bread when they got caught?
Ask 'em about the glutinous product that they use the term "bread" for.
They also use filler in the "meatball" part of their meatball subs.
That is not ground beef either. I am surprised nobody calls them on this
The remaining filler is from a company that does customer support for Tesla. I always wondered what happened to the those cultists who dared to speak out.
Subway is the only place on Earth where freshly baked bread is inedible.
Doctor's Associates Inc is behind Subway. This tells you it is most
likely straight poison. They are in it to make sure the Hospitals stay
busy and their bank accounts full.
Before Big Pharma figured out how to make billions – risk-free – from compulsory measles vaccines…
This is what was true about measles.
You might even be old enough to remember. Make sure young people see this.
I wonder how the pro-vaccine industry shills will explain this? Were TV producers in the 1950s and 1960s anti-vaxxers? To date $4.1 billion paid out for vaccine injuries by the National
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) – but vaccines are safe. Go
back to sleep.
Our Spiritual World: These latter times...: For times and seasons These latter times... by Don Bradley 1 Timothy 4:1-3 1But The Spirit speaks plainly that in the last tim...
A good friend of mine acquired Mercury Toxicity via the Thimerosal
contained in vaccinations. After being hospitalized and slipping into a
coma, he was later able to acquire a successful diagnosis via the
Melisa Test.
His story that documents how he recovered via clay baths:
we know to date is that every case is individual. If heavy metal
toxicity is accute, and the immune system response is new, then clay
baths often remove all symptoms VERY quickly.
However, if the
toxicity is chronic ( remember, toxicity itself can only be measured in
terms of the body's RESPONSE to the toxic substance ), then it can take a
long time to remove the metals...
Even years of clays baths
taken two to three times weekly with no less than 5 lbs. of clay per
bath, according to a few cases we've studied where the individual has
done monthly heavy metal lab work to track progress with clay baths.
it is very advisable for those with amalgams to use clay baths.
Obviously anything that reduces the toxic burden on the body will help
maintain good health.
We have been working to find affordable protocols for close to fifteen years now to help address various forms of toxicity.
specialty clays certainly work just fine for bath use, all finely
meshed sodium and/or calcium smectites have proven effective.
on the cost of clays for doing effective clay baths, those who are
committed to doing them may wish to find a source of clay more
We keep a buyers guide online of clays that have been traditionally used and known to have therapeutic value:
For bulk clay, in particular, those who are doing clay baths may wish to consider the following source:
... Pricing for 44 lbs. of clay starts at $110.00, plus shipping. For
those who are only using one lb for clay baths, that provides quite a
(NewsTarget) "Detoxing" – the myriad and sundry ways of removing metals,
toxins, and other nasties from the body - is becoming increasingly
popular in alternative and natural medicine, and appears to be inching
its way into the more traditional medical arenas as well. The beneficial
health results produced by these procedures cannot be ignored. As a
result, it seems that everywhere you turn, there are companies claiming
to have the best product for detoxing your system. "Clay and water...
those two lifelines are all you will often need to return your body to a
state of optimal health," states Perry A., author of Living Clay, Nature's Own Miracle Cure.
According to Jason Eaton (www.eytonsearth.org):
"There are many methods available in both alternative and natural
medicine that are designed to "detoxify the body". However, nearly all
of them do exactly the opposite: They stimulate the body to release
toxic byproducts stored in fat, organs, and other tissues. The result is
that these substances are dumped back into the active metabolism. The
body, then, is placed under a great deal of toxic stress, even to the
point of toxic shock.
This poses quite a problem, for the body
has stored these substances for a very specific reason: It has been
incapable of eliminating the substances without causing significant
damage. Therefore, the short cut "quick fix" methods to detoxify the
body can actually be quite dangerous, and the natural and comprehensive
methods can require a lot of attention, hard work, and anywhere from six
months to three years to accomplish, and are often accompanied by
uncomfortable symptoms as the body cleans itself." What is lacking is an
avenue to get the released toxins out of the body.
So what's a person to do? Many experts, including Jason Eaton, recommend clay baths for detoxing and chelation.
baths have been safely used for centuries. These days, they're used to
treat everything from tired, achy muscles to heavy metal poisoning,
radiation and chemical/pesticide exposure. Very recently, some
surprising and encouraging results have been reported when using clay
baths to treat autism.
Certain clays have the ability to remove toxins through the pores of the skin. Discussing clay baths, in his book The Clay Cure,
Ran Knishinsky states, "It is a fairly simple procedure, and it can do a
lot of good in a relatively short time. Because of clay's excellent
drawing effect, the clay has the power to literally pull toxicities
through the pores of the skin in the bath." And Wendell Hoffman, author of Using Energy to Heal, found that bentonite clay, when used in a bath, can and does draw out toxic chemicals through the pores of the skin.
Eaton states on his website: "Taking a therapeutic clay bath, lasting
anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours, is one of the most effective
methods in existence to help assist the body
in the elimination of toxic substances which have accumulated in the
body. Clay baths stimulate the lymphatic system and deeply cleanse the
body's largest breathing organ (the skin). Acting both directly on the
body and acting as a systematic catalyst, clay used in this manner
interacts directly with the body's immune system, and helps to remove
the post-digestive burden placed on the major organs of the body."
Miriam Jang, M.D., author of "Breakthroughs in Autism," a synopsis of
the DAN protocol, says: "I have put a huge number of patients on these
clay baths and the levels of heavy metals – mercury, lead, arsenic,
aluminum, and cadmium have come down dramatically... I have been
monitoring the levels of metals using all three methods (TD DMPS, oral
DMSA and clay baths) and the clay baths are way faster in the removal of
metals…One particular patient had very high levels of mercury and
levels of lead that were off the charts. In 3 months of twice weekly
clay baths, the lead came down dramatically and the mercury disappeared.
The muscle weakness associated with high lead levels improved
dramatically. Interestingly enough, another 5 months of these clay baths
showed even lower levels of lead but the mercury reappeared. This
supports the theory that mercury is sequestered in different areas of
our body and it takes time to get it all out."
Clay baths may be
used for heavy metal toxicity, general chemical toxicity, radiation and
chemotherapy recovery, general systemic support by stimulating the
lymphatic system, comprehensive cleansing protocols, as well as simply
for relaxation and enjoyment. They are wonderful for relieving stress
and helping to relax, especially in the evening before bed.
Choosing the Right Clay:
important to choose carefully when selecting a clay for your clay
baths. While certain clays are ideal, and others are acceptable though
not as good, others should be avoided altogether. For clay baths, the
experts agree that clean, raw, natural swelling smectite clays are the
best. This includes swelling bentonites and montmorillonites, which are
often referred to as Living Clays. It's vital to avoid any contaminated
clays, as well as any clays with additives. Clay should be stored in
containers that are completely sealed, and kept away from petroleum
chemicals. Clay should not come into prolonged contact with metals.
Preparing a Clay Bath:
are several methods that can be used to prepare a clay bath. When using
dry powder clay, you can simply scatter 2 cups of dry powder clay into
the water as it's
running and use your hands to mix it and swish away any lumps of clay
that might form. To avoid lumps altogether, you can 'premix' the clay to
a liquid state by mixing approximately 1 part clay to 8 parts water in a
lidded container. Shake vigorously, and allow the clay to sit for a
couple of hours, then shake again. Use 4 cups or more of liquid clay in
your bath. A clay bath should last ideally between 15-20 minutes in
extremely hot water and longer in a less hot bath. Submerge as much of
your body as possible during the bath. The more clay that is used in the
therapy, the more powerful the response.
In some rare severely
toxic cases the clay may turn dark and gooey. If the water has not
turned dark, after your bath scoop some of the clay water to water your
plants. Run lots of water to rinse the clay out of your tub.
Eaton states, "Hot showers, baths, and steam treatments cause a forced
respiration through the skin, resulting in a rapid uptake of gases,
ions, and water directly into the tissues of the body. Indeed, any time
one isolates a location of the body, covering it with any substance and
then applying heat (even if this is only heat generated by insulation),
an "environmental exchange" is going to occur, resulting in the
absorption of substances through the skin and the release of substances
through the pores of the body." For this reason, he recommends nothing
be added to the clay bath – no herbs, oils, fragrances, etc. Herbal
treatments, or other skin treatments can be done after the clay bath if
desired. The only exception to this rule would be the addition of
natural sea salt, which simply acts as a tonic, and increases the ion
exchange capability of the clay in a clay bath. Five Pounds cheapest I could find, DB https://www.amazon.com/Pounds-100-Pure-Bentonite-Clay/dp/B00XASKJMI/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=Magnetic+Clay+Baths&qid=1568767078&sr=8-6
Jeremiah 24:7 And
I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the LORD: and they
shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto
me with their whole heart.
My relationship with our Father, the
Creator and God of all this reality of our existence and ever will
be, Yahuah, and his Son, Yeshua, is akin to that of a most loving dog
that ever was. And not as some dumb animal as the snarkies will
instantly declare. When I wake up, my first thoughts are of Him, who
is part of myself, and also, is my family, and also my guide, and
also Parents, and also my KING. For me, that is just a poor
illustration of how to explain this simple, yet complex, reality of
which is both a concept, beingness, and understanding, but also a
complete reality beyond any doubt. Dad and my Savior are all that and
much, much more.
When I think or speak to Dad, which is
how I refer to our Creator to others (and so think within my own
consciousness and heart) it is always with a child like loving
sweetness, as I also, around the clock and every living second, have
His presence in my heart, mind, being, and soul. It is something
separate but also united with the dufus that is Don. It is both
realities at once. When I think of Him, which is constantly, I get
this gentle electric shock from the top of my head down through my
spine. When I do a formal, “Dear Dad, or Hey Dad” communication
as what one calls a “prayer,” like one might write a letter, I
see these floating stars, quite bright and beautiful all around me,
slowly drifting downward, like falling snow. This also happens when
I sneeze, and I don't know why that is.
I tell you all this to set up what is
coming next, so you get a sense of this amazing relationship He gave
me when I was 16 years old, during a church service in Memphis Tenn,
that I wasn't even interested in going to—but that's a story for
another day, and frankly, who cares. A relationship that He has
demonstrated was always more than just faith, but actual physical
plane events, by the thousands, that have no material explanation in
the material world of evolution, number, weight, and measure. My
spiritual life is quite private and precious to me, and I learned a
long time ago to keep it that way. To share my daily was to invite
hatred, resentment, and scorn. And, very often, open laughter in my
Whenever I express just a fraction of
what my daily life is about, there are always the deniers, the
doubters, the scorners, and snarky folks who have some kind of
useless and weak pop psychology that explains that I am just a
delusional fool living in some kind of self composed fantasy life.
Because I always test all things, especially my own perceptions of
reality, to make sure that reality is real, three weeks ago, upon
rising, I went into my private chambers with Dad and prayed the
“Hey Dad? I have lived all these years with not only an amazing
existence of the paranormal, the fantastic, the miraculous, and the
divine—as you have given to me, I must know the truth of things.
For not only do I love you dearly, but have dedicated my entire life
to finding that straight path that leads to a closeness to you. As
you know.
But what if this is all in my mind? What if what the other
Christians—like the ones on the internet who have all turned to
back on me, and call me crazy, who declare that such a reality is
total bullshit, and that REAL Christianity is simply a thing of faith
and anything deeper, closer, filled with eyes that see, a heart that
knows, and a consciousness that perceives, is really just me
projecting some weird, wishful fantasy reality upon myself and YOU.
Which means I have been living a lie and that all these experiences
are of my own fantastical creation. But how to explain the witnesses
that see these things around me, too? Or the thousands of photographs
that prove what I am experiencing is not just in my mind, but real?
Am I delusional as well as under demonic blather? Then what about all
that work exposing the demonic, the hundreds of satanic altars I
destroyed over all those state, and exposing their darkest secrets?
Is this all just some delusional plan of my own making and not your
guidance, as you have guided with so many miracles that frankly, have
kept me alive?
But beyond the blessings, as I see them, of these super dimensional
experiences, my greatest concern is that I am somehow
projecting upon YOU, my delusional fiction. That I have done
this, believing what we have together is real, is more than I
can stand. It would mean, that all these decades, my adoring
love for you and my Savior Yeshua and what I have experienced, with 2
or more witnesses that always seemed to be around to confirm I wasn't
just under some kind of psychotic break with reality, as a terrible
fantasy that you have had to put up with.
That I have ever brought anything but the truth of myself
before your feet, or even the possibility of that, is just more than
I can bear. My shame is too much, if it is true, that this
relationship and the mystical realm of seeing dimensionally as you've
allowed me to have, is really just some kind of huge schizophrenic
nonsense as others say it is. And you know what they are saying about
Dad, when I even tell others about what we have and show them the
pics of your divine reality that are even just a fraction of that,
they all roll their eyes, start patronizing me with snarky smirks,
and turn their backs on me. And many of them are big guys on the
internet and have written many books about the spiritual Holy Word,
though it seems mostly from the level of the mundane, the physical
and nothing to really do with the world of spirit.
What if it is even worse, what if, as so many claim, I am possessed
which is what most of the “Christians” say about the articles I
write, the proof I provide, and the witnesses I say exist because as
you know, THEY DO EXIST and can be examined. Though no one seems to
want to go there.
So, here is my request. If I am delusional as stated,
reveal it to me, in such a way, that only I will know and understand
your answer. If our close and loving relationship, which you add to
with all these gifts of seeing the world of spirit, and the many
other gifts you have provided, that most do not know about, as
instructed, then show me that too.
I must know the truth, Dad. If I am deluded or under some kind of
satanic spell, I beg you, reveal this to me so I can, with your help,
fix my life. A life lived because of the love you have given as well
as all this other amazing things I have always known were of you. For
you always signed your work, even with me.
But...but...if I am wrong on this and my mind is just a mess of
wishful junk, please oh please, answer this prayer and show me the
truth of things.
Is our loving relationship real with all you give over or has it all
just been me, and my life a waste.
I beg you. Please. Amen.”
Then I went about the day. It was the
sabbath 3 weeks ago, and my sons were all here for BBQ and a visit
and I was very busy being the attentive, joyful dad happy to have his
boys about for chats, food, and fellowship.
About 3:00pm, we were all outside
having lunch on the patio and Mike, our black and white cat, came up
to Nathan, jumped up into his arms and started purring so loud that
it stopped all conversation. Nathan began holding him in his arms, as
you would a new born, and Mikey just looked up into his eyes with
such adoration and love, that all 7 of us, stopped what we were doing
and were completely captivated by the symbiotic exchange. The
expression of love between them was of such a degree, that one of son
Nick's friend, Andrew, was just staring in amazement and said, “I
have never seen anything in my life like that.” Most of us agreed.
We couldn't take our eyes off of the
two. It was amazing, like some special blessing of divine love,
beyond just a guy and cat, was going off. It was so strong that
everyone could feel it and was openly saying as much. And it was
amazing...none of us, HAD ever seen such a thing. Sure, we've all
seen cats and domestics being given love and attention by us
humanoids. But this was on a completely different level. The traffic
down the road, which we can always hear, seemed to fade into silence.
It was just a mesmerizing group witnessing of a one off event of
sublime love that was totally off the charts.
At the height of that moment, with all
our mouths hanging open as you do when you see something that
impresses the inner soul as to amaze, I clearly heard in my heart and
This is us, my Son.
And our love is so much more.
It was all I could do to hold back the
I said nothing, but slowly sat down in
a chair.
And that is how it is with Dad; he
answers my prayers pretty darn fast, usually same day and in ways no
one could plan, fake, or explain away with a bunch of empty
This is shared, unlike my usual policy
of keeping my spiritual relationship and life private, as Dad put
forward the idea that this whole event, truthfully given over,
including all my failings as a soul, would serve some purpose to
others out there in the world. I think I understand what that purpose
is, but to presume it in writing is to presume how each of you will
receive it.
I'm quite aware that the enemies of
Christ will have every hateful and scornful thing to say. That's to
be expected from a group of people who kidnap, rape, torture and
murder children. But there are those who Dad has yet to call in this
life and those who are baptized and saved, and yet may need whatever
this experience has to give them, whatever that might be.
Yahua's blessing be upon you all.
Yeshua is the way, the path, and the life...that leads to not only
salvation and freedom, BUT TRUE LOVE.
For some of us, it's all we have or
ever will have.
The Daily Messenger: Don, your Village Dork...: Me. Just a regular, who loves Dad, loves Yeshua, adores his family and friends, and has always, since I was a boy, been drawn to the spirit...
The Daily Messenger: AN INDUSTRY OF DEATH: Through rare historical and contemporary footage and interviews with more than 160 doctors, attorneys, educators, survivors and expe...
Soy is a phytoestrogen, or a plant based estrogen. It contains two isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, which act like estrogen (the female sex hormone) within the body. Because estrogen plays a role in everything from breast cancer to sexual reproduction, this is where most of the soy
controversy stems." What are the implications? Beyond Man-boobs. Is
Beyond Meat for Social Control, designed to work in tandem with Zika
spraying (not the cause of microcephaly), fluoride in our water, and
higher concentrations of Round-Up in our food, and 5G? I'm not eating
it, unless they slip in my burger without me knowing Whataburger would
never do that, would they?
Glyphosate soaked soybeans which, by themselves, are estrogen mimics
coursing through your veins, growing your boobs or driving you
emotionally insane not to mention worse things with the double-barrel
roundup/estrogen knock on.
We must reflect on how sustainable it is with its low carbon. For our
community, the reduction in methane, greenhouse gasses alone outweighs
the health detriments which, in themselves, help with population
goals shortening lifespans and reducing pesky libidinal excesses.
Organic fruits + vegetables = a long, healthy life - this beyond meat is just a distraction
Now you know why the satanic left is pushing this garbage
So, you think by buying a Beyond Meat Burger, you’re doing
yourself and the environment a favor? Think twice. I took a look at the
ingredients and here’s my honest review!
You may have heard about that new Beyond Meat Burger.
This new plant-based burger that tastes and even bleeds like a real
burger. If that isn’t enough to weird you out, I don’t know what is.
Weird as it seems to me, I’m much more concerned with the actual
ingredients of this beyond meat burger. Especially when the product
touts itself as not just healthy, but sustainable.
Is Beyond Meat actually healthy? Is it actually sustainable?
After taking a look at the ingredients, the answer is hell no. Not even close.
Processed soy is particularly bad. Whereas fermented, organic soy in
small amounts (like natto) does not pose serious health risks, eating
soy protein isolate will definitely take its toll on the body.
Some effects of soy include decreased libido, mood swings, depression, and several others. This
study from Harvard found that men consuming the equivalent of one cup
of soy milk per day had 50% lower sperm count than men who did not
consume soy. That includes even counting other factors like age,
caffeine and alcohol intake, etc.
Just wait. There’s more.
This study found that soy stimulated the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors found in breast cancer. And this one found the same thing. This study found that, “…this pilot study indicates that prolonged consumption of soy
protein isolate has a stimulatory effect on the premenopausal female
breast, characterized by increased secretion of breast fluid, the
appearance of hyperplastic epithelial cells, and elevated levels of
plasma estradiol. These findings are suggestive of an estrogenic
stimulus from the isoflavones genistein and daidzein contained in soy protein isolate.“
Soy is high in phytic acid, also known as phytates. These phytates
prevent the absorption of minerals like iron and calcium (among others).
This can be particularly harmful, especially for children.
Additionally, soy is high in phytoestrogen (source). This can block normal estrogen, wich leads not just to hormonal imbalance, but even breast cancer.
Note: this is why my periods were so heavy, painful and irregular when I was a vegetarian as a teen.
The processing that soy protein isolate undergoes is also a huge cause for concern.
Dr. Mercola describes the process, “Soy protein isolate is not something you can make in your own
kitchen. Production takes place in industrial factories where a slurry
of soy beans is first mixed with an alkaline solution to remove fiber,
then precipitated and separated using an acid wash and, finally,
neutralized in an alkaline solution. Acid washing in aluminum tanks leaches high levels of aluminum
into the final product. The resultant curds are spray- dried at high
temperatures to produce a high-protein powder.”
The Daily Messenger: THis is NOT Hillary Clinton: First, the eyes are wrong. Second, the Hillary II a month ago had the neck of a 40 year old and now, whammo, she has the neck of a woman in...
The Daily Messenger: Blood in our rainwater: Believe it or not, but in our very last rains, which were quite heavy, 3.5 inches over two days, we received an odd discoloration in all ou...
Vaccines put MERCURY AND FLUORIDE IN Y OUR BODY. And in children, administered before age 5, it makes them disabled and autistic. In older people, it makes and keeps you permanently sick. It is the CAUSE of diseases, not the cure for them.
Due to a measles outbreak in the United States, frightened people are
pushing an agenda to take an important medical decision out of the
hands of parents. They’re calling for federally mandated vaccines.
They’re calling for the shaming of parents who have chosen not to
vaccinate their children. The hysteria is running high, fueled by fear and memes.
Whether you opt to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, I think we can agree we all want what’s best for our children.
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons opposes federally mandated vaccines.
An important letter was presented last week to the Senate
subcommittee that is discussing federal laws that force parents to
vaccinate their children. The statement below is
from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and they have
come out strongly in opposition to the possibility of federally
mandated vaccines.
No matter what your opinion is on vaccinating children, please read this.
To: Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, House Energy and Commerce Committee
Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
Re: Statement federal vaccine mandates
Feb. 26, 2019
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines.
After being fully informed of the risks and benefits of a medical
procedure, patients have the right to reject or accept that procedure.
The regulation of medical practice is a state function, not a federal
one. Governmental preemption of patients’ or parents’ decisions
about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious
intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions
about child-rearing.
A public health threat is the rationale for the policy on mandatory
vaccines. But how much of a threat is required to justify forcing people
to accept government-imposed risks? Regulators may intervene to protect
the public against a one-in-one million risk of a threat such as cancer
from an involuntary exposure to a toxin, or-one-in 100,000 risk from a
voluntary (e.g. occupational) exposure. What is the risk of death,
cancer, or crippling complication from a vaccine? There are no rigorous
safety studies of sufficient power to rule out a much lower risk of
complications, even one in 10,000, for vaccines. Such studies would
require an adequate number of subjects, a long duration (years, not
days), an unvaccinated control group (“placebo” must be truly inactive
such as saline, not the adjuvant or
everything-but-the-intended-antigen), and consideration of all adverse
health events (including neurodevelopment disorders).
Vaccines are necessarily risky, as recognized by the U.S. Supreme
Court and by Congress. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid
some $4 billion in damages, and high hurdles must be surmounted to
collect compensation. The damage may be so devastating that most people
would prefer restored function to a multimillion-dollar damage award.
The smallpox vaccine is so dangerous that you can’t get it now,
despite the weaponization of smallpox. Rabies vaccine is given only
after a suspected exposure or to high-risk persons such as
veterinarians. The whole-cell pertussis vaccine was withdrawn from the
U.S. market, a decade later than from the Japanese market, because of
reports of severe permanent brain damage. The acellular vaccine that
replaced it is evidently safer, though somewhat less effective.
The risk: benefit ratio varies with the frequency and severity of
disease, vaccine safety, and individual patient factors. These must be
evaluated by patient and physician, not imposed by a government agency.
Measles is the much-publicized threat used to push for mandates, and
is probably the worst threat among the vaccine-preventable illnesses
because it is so highly contagious. There are occasional outbreaks,
generally starting with an infected individual coming from somewhere
outside the U.S. The majority, but by no means all the people who catch
the measles have not been vaccinated. Almost all make a full recovery,
with robust, life-long immunity. The last measles death in the U.S.
occurred in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC).
Are potential measles complications including death in persons who
cannot be vaccinated due to immune deficiency a justification for
revoking the rights of all Americans and establishing a precedent for
still greater restrictions on our right to give—or withhold—consent to
medical interventions? Clearly not.
Many serious complications have followed MMR vaccination, and are
listed in the manufacturers’ package insert, though a causal
relationship may not have been proved. According to a 2012 report by the
Cochrane Collaboration, “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in
MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely
inadequate” (cited by the National Vaccine Information Center).
Mandate advocates often assert a need for a 95% immunization rate to
achieve herd immunity. However, Mary Holland and Chase Zachary of NYU
School of Law argue, in the Oregon Law Review, that because complete herd immunity and measles eradication are unachievable, the better goal is for herd effect and disease control. The best outcome would result, they argue, from informed consent, more open communication, and market-based approaches.
Even disregarding adverse vaccine effects, the results of
near-universal vaccination have not been completely positive. Measles,
when it does occur, is four to five times worse than in pre-vaccination
times, according to Lancet Infectious Diseases,
because of the changed age distribution: more adults, whose
vaccine-based immunity waned, and more infants, who no longer receive
passive immunity from their naturally immune mother to protect them
during their most vulnerable period.
Measles is a vexing problem, and more complete, forced vaccination
will likely not solve it. Better public health measures—earlier
detection, contact tracing, and isolation; a more effective, safer
vaccine; or an effective treatment are all needed. Meanwhile, those who
choose not to vaccinate now might do so in an outbreak, or they can be
isolated. Immunosuppressed patients might choose isolation in any event
because vaccinated people can also possibly transmit measles even if not
sick themselves.
Issues that Congress must consider:
Manufacturers are virtually immune from product liability, so the
incentive to develop safer products is much diminished. Manufacturers
may even refuse to make available a product believed to be safer, such
as monovalent measles vaccine in preference to MMR
(measles-mumps-rubella). Consumer refusal is the only incentive to do
There are enormous conflicts of interest involving lucrative relationships with vaccine purveyors.
Research into possible vaccine adverse effects is being quashed, as is dissent by professionals.
There are many theoretical mechanisms for adverse effects from
vaccines, especially in children with developing brains and immune
systems. Note the devastating effects of Zika or rubella virus on
developing humans, even though adults may have mild or asymptomatic
infections. Many vaccines contain live viruses intended to cause a mild
infection. Children’s brains are developing rapidly—any interference
with the complex developmental symphony could be ruinous.
Vaccines are neither 100% safe nor 100% effective. Nor are they the only available means to control the spread of disease.
AAPS believes that liberty rights are unalienable. Patients and
parents have the right to refuse vaccination, although potentially
contagious persons can be restricted in their movements (e.g. as with
Ebola), as needed to protect others against a clear and present danger.
Unvaccinated persons with no exposure to a disease and no evidence of a
disease are not a clear or present danger.
AAPS represents thousands of physicians in all specialties
nationwide. It was founded in 1943 to protect private medicine and the
patient-physician relationship.
Respectfully yours,
Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Regardless of our opinions on vaccines, we all want to do what is best for our children.
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