Friday, October 26, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
Monday, October 15, 2018
Thursday, October 4, 2018
The Daily Messenger: The left are the very worst hypocrites
The Daily Messenger: The left are the very worst hypocrites: Why didn't these women believe the dozen and more survivors of Bill Clinton's rape and beatings? Where were these nasty lesbians th...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Monday, September 17, 2018
Friday, August 31, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Patreon stabs me in the back, as did google in 201...
The Daily Messenger: Patreon stabs me in the back, as did google in 201...: So, to help out with finances which dwindle more by the month, making what I do - giving the world the truth of earth, mostly evil as d...
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Sunday, July 8, 2018
The Daily Messenger: What a whiny little Bitch that Don guy is...
The Daily Messenger: What a whiny little Bitch that Don guy is...: At least we still have beauty - Eastern Sierras, outside of Bishop, CA. It's ironic isn't it. I provide proof of the heavenly...
Thursday, July 5, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Lizzy Holmes. Network poste...
The Daily Messenger: Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Lizzy Holmes. Network poste...: Don Bradley In the latest Jurassic park movie out this summer, the savior of the Green peace save the planet going green sustainable sata...

Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Sunday, July 1, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Blog Views on this and all sites
The Daily Messenger: Blog Views on this and all sites: According to what I see and what others report, Goolag has been blocking for some time now, the total amount visitors to this blog, and all...
Sunday, June 24, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Demon over FBI agent's head, lesbian Sally Moyer
The Daily Messenger: Demon over FBI agent's head, lesbian Sally Moyer: Daily Mail photographer captured more than she knew. This is to reveal to all, what kind of souls intelligence agencies hire. And what is a...

Saturday, June 23, 2018
The Daily Messenger: For Flynnpaws and Donna
The Daily Messenger: For Flynnpaws and Donna: Tink on duty, Mike chilling... Mike, who patrols the entire hillside, has scars all over his body. 2 weeks ago, his legs was so badl...

Friday, June 22, 2018
Thursday, June 21, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Billboard In Texas To Be Removed
The Daily Messenger: Billboard In Texas To Be Removed: When you're tired and on the road your mind will wander in reflection of Job Burma Shave F you, shitlibs. You're not wel...

The Daily Messenger: Musk Shutters 'SolarCity Facilities' Across 9 Stat...
The Daily Messenger: Musk Shutters 'SolarCity Facilities' Across 9 Stat...: by Don Bradley OF COURSE HE DOES THIS ON A WITCHES SABBATH OF SOLSTICE...OF COURSE. They love their little satanic fingerprints, for tho...

Monday, June 11, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Goodbye dear readers. Off out of state to get cut ...
The Daily Messenger: Goodbye dear readers. Off out of state to get cut ...: Enjoying Dad's cathedral, the great outdoors.
MessiahMews Blogs: Blessings from a Kind Stranger
MessiahMews Blogs: Blessings from a Kind Stranger: Someone who sent me this out of the blue. A total stranger to me, but does know one of my sisters. The first message was alerting me to t...
Thursday, June 7, 2018
MessiahMews Blogs: More Forced Vaccines for California
MessiahMews Blogs: More Forced Vaccines for California: Next, they'll come after home-schooled children, which in some states they have implemented that, but those states still accept exemptio...
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Our Spiritual World: The lady and the pear
Our Spiritual World: The lady and the pear: 5-30-18 The lady and the pear Every day, it's something. So, I am just leaving the local grocery store to our home...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018
The Daily Messenger: In other News with Geoff Brady - Theranos Scandal
The Daily Messenger: In other News with Geoff Brady - Theranos Scandal:

Tuesday, May 22, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Your blog host needs hernia surgery
The Daily Messenger: Your blog host needs hernia surgery: Turns out, I recently ripped a nice hole 2 inches long "down there." The Docs want abouts $6,000.00 here in LA to fix and repa...
Our Spiritual World: Just the great way Dad works. A typical day in the...
Our Spiritual World: Just the great way Dad works. A typical day in the...: Now, as a personal rule, I don't share these events unless there is a trusted witness. The witness makes it real. No witness? Then I ...

Friday, May 4, 2018
The Daily Messenger: More Than 4 Million Americans Have Lost Health Ins...
The Daily Messenger: More Than 4 Million Americans Have Lost Health Ins...: Because they can no longer afford the massive increases in monthly payments, that when truly needed, cover very little with stiff deductibl...
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Bad Blood Book Theranos
The Daily Messenger: Bad Blood Book Theranos: From the Slope of Hope: At the risk of getting all Holden Caulfield -y on you, I really hate phony . Anything fake or phony drives m... Nasty, satanic cunt, who bilked investors out of 6 billion dollars, yet no jail time.

Friday, April 27, 2018
Sunday, April 15, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Tap water: murder in the western nations
The Daily Messenger: Tap water: murder in the western nations: poison from the tap There are many Americans who refuse to drink tap water. Many of them use water filters to eliminate the taste of ch...
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Farmers Markets And Farm-To-Table Restaurants Are Full Of Frauds
Tired of the faceless franchise eateries serving over-salted slop?
The depressingly lit chain supermarkets selling you genetically
modified, hormone-injected, battery-farmed zucchinis? Well then it's
time to put on your horn-rimmed glasses and plaid shirt and head on over
to those quaint farmers markets and farm-to-table eateries for some
wholesome, unmolested food. Except that the ethical side of food
production isn't all that ethical either, having been infiltrated by
frauds and con artists. Who knew you couldn't trust some random dude in
In California, farmers market cheaters are running rampant. Plenty of the state is farmland, so it's easy to assume most of your food is coming straight from the field. However, when the NBCLA did an undercover investigation of farmers markets in the area, they discovered that many of them were clearly selling produces they hadn't cultivated themselves.
See, in order to sell at a farmers market, you actually have to be a
farmer -- a verified one, with a pitchfork and everything. But when the
NBCLA drove to the "farms," all they found were a bunch of weeds / dirt
fields. So unless these farmers were all part of some wizardly hippie
collective magicking up their produce out of thin air, it's safe to
assume they were selling you the same stuff you could find at a Walmart
at half the price. Fake farmers are popping up all over the country,
some of them so brazen that they'll specifically label their food
pesticide-free while having no idea whether that's true or not. How
would they know? They're not really farmers.
The same sort of chicanery goes on at farm-to-table restaurants. A series of exposes in The Tampa Bay Times revealed the myriad ways your favorite locally sourced hipster eating collective could be lying to you, from frozen food masquerading as fresh and buying pre-made dishes, to fish mislabeling and food marked as "organic" or "non-GMO" which was the exact opposite. As the owner of the famous Chino Farms noted: "Chefs will come, write down notes, leave without buying anything, and then say they're serving our food at their restaurants." They hypocrisy is so intense that one restaurant even had a "F**k Monsanto Salad" on its menu (along with truffle fries), but when a reporter confronted the chef about where he got his produce, he shrugged and said, "It's really hard to find non-GMO produce." But it's so, so easy to lie.
In California, farmers market cheaters are running rampant. Plenty of the state is farmland, so it's easy to assume most of your food is coming straight from the field. However, when the NBCLA did an undercover investigation of farmers markets in the area, they discovered that many of them were clearly selling produces they hadn't cultivated themselves.

The same sort of chicanery goes on at farm-to-table restaurants. A series of exposes in The Tampa Bay Times revealed the myriad ways your favorite locally sourced hipster eating collective could be lying to you, from frozen food masquerading as fresh and buying pre-made dishes, to fish mislabeling and food marked as "organic" or "non-GMO" which was the exact opposite. As the owner of the famous Chino Farms noted: "Chefs will come, write down notes, leave without buying anything, and then say they're serving our food at their restaurants." They hypocrisy is so intense that one restaurant even had a "F**k Monsanto Salad" on its menu (along with truffle fries), but when a reporter confronted the chef about where he got his produce, he shrugged and said, "It's really hard to find non-GMO produce." But it's so, so easy to lie.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Naturally, my pharmacist couldn't help, but he did...
The Daily Messenger: Naturally, my pharmacist couldn't help, but he did...: Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug , and that's not even accounting for epic burnouts like...
Saturday, March 3, 2018
The Daily Messenger: How the Satanic governments are engineering millio...
The Daily Messenger: How the Satanic governments are engineering millio...: Their key weapon is to make truly needful people who need pain medications feel like scumbag drug addicts. The pharmacies and doctors use s...
Monday, February 19, 2018
Pro-Cannabis Doctor, Who Fought Against Big Pharma, Found Dead at Home

Holistic pro-cannabis doctor found dead.
A holistic doctor who was an advocate of cannabis as a medical treatment has been found dead.Popular and well-known former Miss Universe contestant Sonya Kay Forbes was found dead at her Cunningham Avenue, St. Andrew home, and the autopsy revealed the cause of death was a stab wound to the abdomen.
Dr. Forbes, 40 was known for being in support of using cannabis to treat and cure medical conditions, she was currently working on a groundbreaking study which was using cannabis to help people suffering from long term eye problems.
Dr. Forbes is just the latest in a long line of holistic doctors who have been found dead at home in mysterious circumstances.
The pressures of being a holistic doctor in a world led by Big Pharma are huge. To go against the status quo in terms of healthcare is a dangerous move, and many holistic doctors have talked about the pressures and threats from the mainstream pharmaceutical industry.
Marijuana in particular is one of the newest types of alternative drugs that holistic doctors such as Forbes have been promoting, and Big Pharma don’t like it.
Despite being legalized in around half of all U.S states now, heavy sanctions on the marijuana industry prove just how unsure and still wary the government are about letting people enjoy the benefits of this wonderful drug.
The close ties that Big Pharma share with the government due to billions of dollars of lobby money given each year means that one does not operate without the approval of the other.
Naturally, anyone who is an enemy of Big Pharma makes themselves an enemy of the government and vice versa.
Dr. Forbes was a former resident at Kingston Public Hospital and dedicated her life to spreading the message about how more people should be choosing alternative therapies such as marijuana instead of Big Pharma’s chemical drugs.
After the recent holistic doctor deaths, friends and family of Dr. Forbes say that she had made a point of telling them that she was ‘not suicidal’.
RJR News reported that investigators have said that Dr. Forbes died of a single stab wound to the stomach, and they have declined to say whether the wound was self inflicted or not.
Dr. Forbes was a well known public figure in her area and aside from her medical background, was also known for her former beauty queen days, when she participated in the Miss Jamaica World contest in 1999.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
The Daily Messenger: "They have pissed off their employees, they have p...
The Daily Messenger: "They have pissed off their employees, they have p...: #BOYCOTTWHOLEFOODS Whole Paycheck Amazon Walmart combine
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Our Spiritual World: The sun is near, and our Father is nearer, in our ...
Our Spiritual World: The sun is near, and our Father is nearer, in our ...: Thessalonians 4 1 Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort [you] by the Lord Yeshua, that as ye have received...
Thursday, February 8, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Apparently it's okay to make racist remarks on the...
The Daily Messenger: Apparently it's okay to make racist remarks on the...: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went on an 8 hour tangent yesterday, giving the longest speech in House history -- protesting this and that --...
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
The Daily Messenger: Satanic Left - Overlords of slavery in modern time...
The Daily Messenger: Satanic Left - Overlords of slavery in modern time...: February 6, 2018 by CH This news report exposing the inhumane treatment of Whole Foods employees since Baron Bezo...

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
The Daily Messenger: The Smartest Woman in the World is also the most b...
The Daily Messenger: The Smartest Woman in the World is also the most b...: Semiramis, the original nasty Hillary spirit A demonic Screech demon from hell Just a quick thought here. I should have written...

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Japanese government urges patients to be held PRISONER in their own rooms after taking antiviral prescription meds… homicidal and suicidal behavior now linked to toxic pharma drugs
by: David Williams

It is well-known that taking certain medications can cause certain side effects to occur in humans. In the case of antiviral medications for flu, patients in Japan have reportedly been experiencing “abnormal behaviors” that has led the government itself to issue a warning to Japanese citizens. Lock patients inside of their rooms while they recover after taking their medicine, the government says, in order to avoid accidental injury or worse, death.
In Japan, the flu can be a major problem during flu season. The public record shows thatfrom April 2009 to August 2017, there were eight people that died after falling and for other reasons. And the one thing they all had in common was that they were believed to be demonstrating abnormal behavior after taking their anti-flu meds. Since then, even more possibly related deaths have been tallied, and now the public health officials are publicly discussing the matter of flu drug safety once again.
According to Japan’s health ministry, young influenza patients need to be locked inside of their rooms for at least two days after taking their medication as they recover. All exits and windows need to be locked in the patient’s room and access to a balcony should not be available. This is said to be the first specific directive instruction of its kind made by the ministry, and it was sent out to all prefectural governments as the number of reported fatal accidents due to abnormal behavior continued to rise.
In an earlier alert, Japan warned against prescribing Tamiflu to patients aged 10 to 19, mainly because more than a hundred people who were mostly young started showing signs of abnormal behavior after taking the medication. Some patients showed signs of hallucinations and delirium. However, in some rather unfortunate cases, the strange behavior resulted in the death of patients due to jumping off buildings.
According to FDA safety reviewer Dr. Adrienne Rothstein, the contribution of the drugs to the abnormal behavior that leads to fatal accidents can’t be ruled out completely. While the makers of both Tamiflu and Relenza have both stood by the safety of their products, the government will likely urge citizens to err on the side of caution. In the meantime, it might be best for flu patients to just hold steady and wait until the flu season is over to finally rule out the possibility of fatal injuries.

It is well-known that taking certain medications can cause certain side effects to occur in humans. In the case of antiviral medications for flu, patients in Japan have reportedly been experiencing “abnormal behaviors” that has led the government itself to issue a warning to Japanese citizens. Lock patients inside of their rooms while they recover after taking their medicine, the government says, in order to avoid accidental injury or worse, death.
In Japan, the flu can be a major problem during flu season. The public record shows thatfrom April 2009 to August 2017, there were eight people that died after falling and for other reasons. And the one thing they all had in common was that they were believed to be demonstrating abnormal behavior after taking their anti-flu meds. Since then, even more possibly related deaths have been tallied, and now the public health officials are publicly discussing the matter of flu drug safety once again.
According to Japan’s health ministry, young influenza patients need to be locked inside of their rooms for at least two days after taking their medication as they recover. All exits and windows need to be locked in the patient’s room and access to a balcony should not be available. This is said to be the first specific directive instruction of its kind made by the ministry, and it was sent out to all prefectural governments as the number of reported fatal accidents due to abnormal behavior continued to rise.
Article Continues Below
Signs of abnormal behavior
Based on numerous reports as well as the alert that was issued out by the health ministry, the so-called abnormal behavior exhibited by the sufferers include a sudden urge to leave the room and move towards a balcony or veranda in a state of agitation, walking around a room weeping, and talking nonsense. These behaviors and more were said to be reported regardless of the type of antiviral meds taken by patients, and even if the patients hadn’t taken any antiviral meds at all.In an earlier alert, Japan warned against prescribing Tamiflu to patients aged 10 to 19, mainly because more than a hundred people who were mostly young started showing signs of abnormal behavior after taking the medication. Some patients showed signs of hallucinations and delirium. However, in some rather unfortunate cases, the strange behavior resulted in the death of patients due to jumping off buildings.
Changes to antiviral warnings
After additional reports of abnormal behavior started coming in, Japan also looked into other anti-flu meds such as Relenza and the generic amantadine. For Tamiflu, experts at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have recommended a stronger label warning, one which would take note of patient deaths and suggest close monitoring for behavioral changes, especially in children. Meanwhile, the addition of a warning for delirium and hallucinations is recommended for Relenza.According to FDA safety reviewer Dr. Adrienne Rothstein, the contribution of the drugs to the abnormal behavior that leads to fatal accidents can’t be ruled out completely. While the makers of both Tamiflu and Relenza have both stood by the safety of their products, the government will likely urge citizens to err on the side of caution. In the meantime, it might be best for flu patients to just hold steady and wait until the flu season is over to finally rule out the possibility of fatal injuries.
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